require "/home/hosting/flowermug/COUNTER/phpcounter.php"; Untitled Document
Hi there! 
Hmm.. flowermug.. If ya people out there don't know what a mug is, I'll tell U.
It is a drinking cup, with a round shape and a handle, usually used for beer.
The site is called flowermug 'cause we had a picture with a beermug, a flower
and sunglasses. I found this picture funny, so I decided to use it as a theme
for our site, which, by the way, we want to be funny.
Team: I am Andrei aka asterix_ ;), and the other one, Victor aka frisky.

To be honest, we decided to make this site for two reasons:
   1. we wanted to develop our skills, me as a webdesigner, and frisky as a

   2. to make money. We are students, and we need to pay our studies. So feel
      free to donate us how much or whatever you want.Thanks!

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